B. inggris Which is a difference between a mature fern and a heart-shaped plant? mckaylapfannerstillulv – June 10, 2023
B. inggris l'll give you a lift home if you're ..... to me? tolong arti kan dong kak apa artinya.terima kasih mckaylapfannerstillulv – June 08, 2023
B. inggris 11. (+) He was wearing a beautiful dress last night.(-)__________________________ mckaylapfannerstillulv – June 06, 2023
B. inggris This your assignmentx for today... Change the sentences into passive form 1. My sister makes brownnies every sunday.2. Fadil is not attendang English class now. 3. Angga has picked his sister from the course. 4. I wrote a letter for my close friend last night. 5. Surya was repairing his bike when we arrived. mckaylapfannerstillulv – June 04, 2023
B. inggris buatlah pernyataan setuju dan pernyataan tidak setuju dalam b. inggris, masing"tiga mckaylapfannerstillulv – April 07, 2023
B. inggris mohon bantuan nya ya kakak.besok udh mau d kumpulkan.terima kasihh mckaylapfannerstillulv – March 13, 2023